Dec 14, 2022
What you need to know about Computers.

Computers are amazing machines. From keeping track of expenses to managing health records, they bring convenience and productivity to our daily lives. As the information age grows, however, the importance of being able to operate a computer has never been greater. The good news is that learning to use a computer can open new doors for you and provide opportunities otherwise unavailable.

What is it?

A computer is an electronic device with microprocessors that store data in memory chips. It also has input devices such as a mouse or keyboard that allow users to communicate directly with the machine. These input devices relay signals from the user’s hand movements and typing on the keyboard to the microprocessor which translates these commands into computer language. This program then generates the instructions needed to perform specific functions, like sending e-mail, editing files or printing pages. Computers may be standalone units or part of a networked system (a group of computers), where one serves as the server while others serve as clients.

How do I get started?

To start using a computer, users must first acquire software – the programs necessary to run the machine. A computer comes preloaded with basic applications like word processing, spreadsheet and database management packages. However, if your needs exceed what is available preloaded, you will have to buy additional programs. There are thousands of different types of software available for PCs, ranging from games to business suites. Some of them are free while others are expensive. You should always download and install the latest version of the software before installing any previous version. You also should keep all your software updated so that you don’t miss out on any security patches. If possible, purchase your software at discount stores rather than buying it through retail stores because you will often receive special discounts.

Where do I find help?

There are many online services available that offer help with every aspect of operating a computer. Many Internet service providers (ISPs) include tutorials that teach you how to use their equipment. Also, there are many other websites dedicated to assisting with setting up and troubleshooting problems with computers. A few examples would be,,, and Additionally, many universities and community colleges have classes specifically designed to teach students how to use a computer. Most public libraries, too, offer courses in computer literacy.

Can I use a computer without having to pay for software?

Yes! The most popular way to use a Windows-based PC is by purchasing the operating system itself, along with any required software, for less than $100. While this does not include the ability to create documents and spreadsheets, it does give you access to the entire range of built-in applications. In addition, many companies sell “home edition” versions of Windows that are cheaper than full versions. These versions contain only the minimum set of tools and applications that businesses require. You can still configure your home Windows machine to look similar to a corporate workstation but you will have to rely on third-party software for more complex tasks.

The Bottom Line.

It’s easy to see why everyone loves getting a new computer. They’re fast, easy to operate and they make our lives much easier. But just remember to take care of them properly. And remember, when you do need some help, there are plenty of ways to get it.

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Dec 14, 2022
Top 9 Jobs for Computer Science Majors

Are you looking for some career options after finishing your graduation? If yes then computer science is a perfect choice. There are plenty of job opportunities available for CS graduates. Some of them include software developers, web designers, network administrators, information security specialists, system analysts, etc. In this post, we’ll share the top nine careers for students interested in studying CS.

Software Developer

This field deals with developing applications and programs that run on computers. It involves programming languages such as Java, C++, PHP, Python, C#, etc. You can find a lot of software development jobs for freshers. The demand for these jobs will increase due to advancements in technology.

Web Designer

A web designer creates websites by using various tools. He/she works with different components like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, etc. After completing your graduation, you’ll likely be given an offer from any reputed firm. But if not, you can always start freelancing.

Network Administrator

A network administrator manages and monitors all aspects of networking infrastructure. They maintain the network’s connectivity and make sure everything runs smoothly. They troubleshoot problems when they arise and fix any issues. This is one of the most preferred careers among IT professionals.

Information Security Specialist

Information security specialists are responsible for protecting sensitive data assets. They use various techniques and tools to secure private data. Such as firewalls, VPNs, anti-virus software, etc. They ensure that hackers don’t have access to confidential info. Therefore, the need for information security specialists is increasing.

System Analyst

A system analyst looks into the systems running on a company’s servers. He analyzes the performance of the server or device so that he can provide improvement suggestions. This is a technical position which requires experience. Students who wish to do a bachelor’s in computer science should consider applying for this career. 

Data Scientist

Data scientists are employed at companies to analyze large amounts of data using their skills in statistics, mathematics, and machine learning. They try to derive useful insights by predicting customer behavior based on certain factors.

Database Administrator

Database administrators perform daily operations on databases. Like creating tables, views, triggers, procedures, etc., they optimize database integrity and help recover from errors. They need to work independently because they deal with numerous tasks.

Mobile App Developer

With the boom of smartphones, there has been a surge in mobile application developers. These days everyone wants to develop mobile apps. So if you’re technically sound and want to build quality apps, then you can pursue mobile app development as a career path.

Quality Assurance Analyst

A QA analyst tests products before they go out. They verify that the product delivered meets customers’ requirements. Since it’s an entry-level job, anyone having hands-on experience can apply. As QA analysts test software, they come across bugs. An important aspect of this career is debugging. You’ll need to debug code and understand how it works.

Research Scientist

A research scientist researches new algorithms, theories, and ideas related to computing. Their work includes simulation studies, mathematical proofs, designing hardware, writing papers, presenting results, and other things.

The Bottom Line.

When considering your options, always ask yourself what kind of lifestyle would be best for you. What type of people will you meet? Take these considerations into account when choosing your major.

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Dec 14, 2022
Top 8 Best Computer Brands 2022.

A good laptop can provide you with a reliable device that helps you complete your daily tasks. Your laptop should also be versatile enough to meet future changes. In this article, we will tell you about the top 8 best computer brands of 2022.

Apple MacBook Pro 13-inch

Apple is one of the most popular and trusted companies in the world today. They have been known for its well-designed devices and high-quality products. The brand has many laptops that are highly recommended by many users throughout the globe. This year, they released the new MacBook Pro 13-inch. It is an amazing and powerful product. Its design looks elegant and is very convenient to use.

Asus ZenBook S13

Asus is another company which produces high-quality laptops. Their latest model comes with a 13-inch display screen. It has a great battery life and a sleek design.

Dell Inspiron 15 3000 Series 3rd Gen

Dell was founded in 1984. It started as a small PC repair shop but now they produce many different types of computers such as desktops, laptops, tablets, etc. This year, Dell produced one of its best laptops ever. It is called the “Inspiron 15 3000” series and it is available in two different options: 3 rd Generation Core i5 processor with 1080p display screen and 4th Generation Intel core i7 processor with Full HD display screen. Either option will give you a comfortable experience while using your laptop. You can buy it online on Amazon.

HP Pavilion G6 Notebook

This year HP launched one of the coolest and most useful laptops. It is called the ‘HP Pavilion G6 Notebook’. This particular notebook not only has a beautiful appearance but is also super light and compact. You can easily carry it around with you during your day-to-day activities. It also features a backlit keyboard with a full-size number pad. With all these qualities, you can call it a luxury product.

Lenovo Legion Y530

This is one of the best gaming laptops from Lenovo. A lot of people like playing games when they are travelling because it provides them with entertainment while they travel. Unfortunately, before purchasing this laptop, you need to first invest some time researching on the Internet to find out whether it is compatible with the operating system that you want to install on it or not. If you do so then there is no doubt that this is going to become one of your favourite laptops.

Acer Aspire E15

If you are looking for one of the best cheap laptops then you may consider buying Acer Aspire E15. It is part of the Aspire family and it offers a lot of unique features. One of those important features is the fingerprint scanner. The fingerprint scanner allows you to unlock the device quickly without having to type passwords and other codes. Another interesting feature is the ability to connect up to three external displays. These displays will allow you to view multiple things simultaneously. The price of this laptop varies depending on the configuration.

The Bottom Line.

When choosing a new computer, we’re always searching for the best deals and discounts. But we don’t think this applies just to our favourite computing devices. We believe that every aspect of consumer technology should be affordable and accessible to everyone. However, we understand that the budget range varies between individuals. Therefore, we recommend doing your research and making sure you know exactly what you need and how much money you can spend.

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Dec 14, 2022
The Best Computer Anti-Viruses to Get For Your Computer

Are you looking for some good computer anti-virus software? If yes, then stop searching and take a look at our recommendations below. Not only are they reliable and effective, but also very affordable.

AVG Free Antivirus Software

This is one of the most popular antivirus programs available in the market today. It has an easy-to-use interface that makes it a breeze to install on your machine. In addition to this, it comes with many useful features like internet security, anti-spam, parental controls and more. There is no doubt about it, AVG Free Antivirus software is the best choice for any new user who wants to protect their PC from viruses, spyware, malware and other threats online. It costs just $29.95 per year so nothing is stopping you from getting this now! You can download the free demo version before purchasing the full package.

SmadDav provides you with a 100% clean fully featured solution that scans all major file types including images, music, videos, documents, archives, etc. and removes malicious files immediately after infection. It also prevents them from being uploaded to servers or shared with others over the Internet. With this service, you get a full scan every day (for free). It does not slow down your system nor does it impact your CPU usage.

Malware scanner is another great choice for those seeking high-quality protection against virus threats. Unlike other products on the market, this antivirus program doesn’t require any installation process whatsoever. Simply click the “scan” button and wait for the results. Once finished, you’ll be given detailed instructions on how to remove infected items manually. No registry modifications are required.

Emsisoft Anti-Malware (EAM)

Emsisoft Anti-malware (EAM) uses advanced heuristics technology to detect malware and prevent it from causing damage to your computer. As soon as it finds suspicious files, it will alert you instantly and quarantine them for later removal. What’s even better is that Emsisoft Anti-virus (EAM) doesn’t need any installations which means that it won’t affect your system performance at all.

Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE)

Microsoft Security Essentials (also known as MSE) is included by default on Windows 7, 8, and 10 machines. While it offers similar functionality as its bigger brother, McAfee, it lacks certain capabilities such as real-time scanning and remote access control. However, it still manages to provide quite decent protection against different threats and vulnerabilities.

Norton 360

Norton 360 combines three top-rated antivirus tools into one complete suite. Its signature-based engine protects you from dangerous downloads while its cloud-based threat detection keeps your device safe from unknown attacks. A firewall works in conjunction to help keep you protected while a privacy tool helps ensure that your information remains secure when browsing the web. All these functions are easily accessible through the intuitive interface, making it an excellent choice for novice users.

Bitdefender Total Security

Bitdefender Total Security (2015 Edition) is a powerful, award-winning antivirus program that was created back in 2014. It has been designed to give consumers total peace of mind by protecting them against various online dangers. It includes several innovative technologies such as behavioural analysis, Web Shield, Safe Zone and Smart Scan. This versatile tool not only detects viruses but also eliminates them from the system. Moreover, it gives you quick access to solutions when issues arise. At the same time, it secures your data by keeping track of what you do online.


In Conclusion, there are many best anti-viruses for Mac available, each of them offering its own set of advantages and disadvantages. You can choose whichever suits your needs best.

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Dec 14, 2022
Importance of Computer Security

Computer security is essential for every company big or small. The threats posed by cybercriminals are ever-increasing. Hackers now rely heavily on malware to gain access to computers because they’ve learned to exploit vulnerabilities in software. Keep reading to discover the major reasons why computer security is important.

Cybercrime has escalated

The number and severity of cybercrimes have risen dramatically over the past decade. There were 746 million new emails sent globally last year alone. That’s almost a billion emails! With so much communication being conducted online, cybercriminals can spread malicious programs quickly across networks. These programs can steal sensitive information from companies and individuals alike. They can also be used to disrupt systems and cause significant damage. No company should take these risks lightly.

Your employees use your network

Every employee at a company has access to its network. This means that hackers could potentially get onto a network simply through an infected email attachment or link. Once inside, the hacker could do anything from stealing information to making changes to files and deleting data. Employees are not only exposed to this risk but their actions may also place other people at risk too. If your organization allows users to share links to social media sites, you need to ensure they’re safe and secure. Also remember that if someone else shares a password with you, then it might be possible for them to log into that account. You should never give out any information about your passwords or personal details.

It costs money

It can cost businesses hundreds of thousands of dollars per incident. There are legal fees, compensation to victims, lost productivity, and more. Plus, many organizations don’t have sufficient resources to protect against all potential attacks. Even though most companies understand how costly cybercrime can be, they often underestimate the threat until it’s too late.

A breach can make bad press

A recent survey revealed that nearly two-thirds of companies said that a data breach would result in negative publicity for their business. Almost half of those surveyed noted that they’d lose customer confidence as well. So, imagine having millions of customers’ credit card numbers stolen. Imagine what it must feel like knowing they’ll be checking their statements for unauthorized charges instead of spending time with friends and family.

Protect your business from fraud and theft.

It’s possible that a hacker could use your login credentials, for example, to get unauthorized access to your bank account. You can prevent this sort of thing by using strong passwords. Also, make sure you have antivirus software installed to protect against viruses that may be sent through email attachments or other means.

Prevent data loss.

Your hard drive might crash, meaning all the information stored there will be lost forever. Backing up files regularly will help ensure that this doesn’t happen. In addition, it’s always a good idea to take regular system snapshots. This helps if you need to restore an image of your workstation after a virus has destroyed everything on it.

Stop spam emails from clogging your inbox

Spam filtering programs like McAfee Virus Scan Plus protect for this reason. They allow you to block incoming messages based on type. For example, you can tell McAfee not to open all emails with “phishing” in the subject line. You’ll also be able to set up rules to automatically delete junk mail based on sender address (for example, don’t delete any emails from addresses ending

Make sure employees aren’t accessing personal info.

If your staff knows their Social Security number, credit card numbers, banking details, etc., then they should never write them down anywhere. It could be used as evidence when something does go wrong. Instead, store these things securely online so only authorized people can see them.

Track employee activity.

Use anti-virus program tools like McAfee Virus Scan Enterprise to monitor how often users log onto their machines. This way, you can keep tabs on who is doing what, which gives you a better chance of catching problems before they arise. In addition, you can do more than just track activity. You can check logs for malicious activities such as attempted password changes, keystroke logging, spyware installation, and rootkit creation.

Limit sharing of sensitive information.

If someone leaves your organization and takes home a laptop with confidential information on it, that person could share that info with others. To avoid this, limit the ability for anyone to access personal files, including documents, spreadsheets, presentations, photos, music, video, etc. You can also create policies that require permission before allowing users to remotely access systems and devices.

Avoid being hacked yourself.

Hackers want your data, but they’re also interested in your machine itself. By keeping your operating system patched and updated, installing security applications, and disabling unneeded features, you can reduce the risk of becoming a victim of a targeted attack.

Improve customer service.

An easy way to improve customer service is to give customers a sense of security. If they know their data is safe while they’re working with you, they’ll be less likely to complain about problems that they experience.

The Bottom Line.

As mentioned above, the main goal of computer security is to stop hackers from gaining access to your network. However, implementing a solid plan is only part of the equation. The real trick is making sure you stay one step ahead of would-be attackers.

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Dec 14, 2022
How to Protect Your Computer From Cyber Criminals.

How safe is your computer from cyber criminals? Are they stealing personal information or selling it to other companies? Could hackers even break into your system and steal your identity? There are things that you can do to protect against these threats. Read on to find out more.

Keep Your System Up-to-Date

Your computer’s operating system (OS) must be kept up-to-date with all the latest patches, updates, and security fixes. This will help keep your system protected from viruses, spyware, malware, and other forms of malicious software.

Use Strong Passwords

Make sure to use unique passwords for every website account you have. Hackers often try simple passwords like “password” or “123456”. If a hacker gets their hands on your password database, they’ll be able to access all of your accounts without a problem.

Be Careful When Opening Emails

Hackers often attempt to trick users into opening an email attachment by pretending to be someone else. Watch out for emails asking you to click a link or open an attachment unexpectedly. If an unknown sender sends you an unexpected email, report them immediately to your local authorities. You should also never open any attachments sent to you via email unless you trust the sender.

Back-Up Your Files Regularly

It’s important to regularly back up files in case of a hard drive failure, virus infection, or accidental deletion. Using a program such as Carbonite allows you to safely store copies of your most sensitive data for free.

Avoid Public Computers

Never log onto a public computer. A variety of different people may be using the same computer, which increases the chances of getting hacked. Only connect to a trusted network when possible.

Install Antivirus Software

Most major antivirus programs come installed on computers already. However, some users prefer to install additional protection after purchase. Either way, make sure to update your antivirus program regularly.

Run Ad-Blocker Software

While some advertisements can be useful, others contain harmful code that could harm your computer. Hackers sometimes include malicious links within ads to get unsuspecting victims to download dangerous malware. An ad blocker prevents this type of attack by replacing the malicious code with harmless images.

Remove Unnecessary Plugins and Extensions

Some websites allow visitors to customize features of the site by installing plugins and extensions. These types of add-ons generally aren’t required, so remove them if you don’t need them.

Hide Personal Information

Sometimes sites require too much personal information to sign up. Don’t give out unnecessary information, especially birth dates.

Install a Firewall

In addition to keeping your OS updated and running antivirus software, you should consider adding a firewall. A firewall keeps unwanted traffic away from your system.

Avoid Phishing Scams

Hackers sometimes use fake websites to collect usernames and passwords. They then send those credentials to more legitimate-looking websites where they’re used to gain unauthorized entry. One easy way to prevent this is to only enter your login info via official sources.

Report Suspicious

Finally, always keep your eyes peeled for suspicious activity online and offline. If something doesn’t feel right, report it to your local authorities.


There are many ways to protect yourself against cybercriminals. By following these tips, you’ll reduce your risk of falling victim to online scams and attacks.

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